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Mouna Tounsi

Marketing Coordinator and Training

MBA – Marketing Research

As Marketing and Training Coordinator, Mouna Tounsi is in charge of the marketing aspect of CANADEST. She joined the team in October 2021, after spending many years between Belgium, Tunisia, Canada and the Ivory Coast.


Mouna is distinguished by her professional background. Throughout her career, she has specialized in digital marketing, even teaching it at the ISTC Polytechnic University in Abidjan. She also participated in the implementation of the e-commerce website of the company TUNISAIR under the assistance of the European aircraft manufacturer Airbus. With more than 15 years of international experience in marketing, she brings her professionalism to CANADEST.


She is currently developing and implementing a global digital marketing strategy to promote CANADEST’s brokerage services. Her Master’s degree in Marketing gives her all the skills required to ensure the communication campaigns on the various social media of the company (newspapers, social networks, etc.). She designs, writes and posts content such as teasers and blog articles. In addition, Mouna is in charge of the relationship with potential clients/leads in order to put them in contact with CANADEST brokers. She is also responsible for developing confidential company profiles and business plans.


She works closely with the entire CANADEST team to ensure the operational follow-up of ongoing projects and would be happy to recommend you to CANADEST business brokers.